Unlocking the Mind’s Mysteries: Hindu Wisdom with Modern Understanding
When everyone else were spending their energy and time in making external world better, India was exploring the inner world. The sages and yogis of ancient India was busy in finding the answers for our existence and the purpose of life. They wanted to understand how does this complex internal system works. One of the major subject was the mind. They understood that the brain is not same as mind. There is something more subtle which is operating the brain. Many of the finding that you will find in this article is derived from Ancient Indian wisdom. My honest attempt is to spread the message to the world and help people calm their mind.
Before we try to calm the mind, it’s important to understand what it is. You get the power on something which you know. Similarly, the more we understand the mind, more we will be able to control it. But with what we will understand the mind. We don’t have any other instrument but to use mind to understand it. Mind has power of looking back into itself. With the help of mind we can analyze the mind and see what is going inside. Now there are many ways to do it, but for the context of this book, we are going to use Hindu psychology point of view.
What is Mind?: The physical body that we see is of gross material. Mind is also part of the body but in a subtle form. This…